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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cloth Vs Disposable Diapers - Are Baby Cloth Diapers Worth It?

There is a lot to conclude on when your about to have a baby. We all wonder what's going to be best for our puny ones when it comes to raising them. Will I breast feed or go with a bottle? Should we put our baby to sleep in a crib or bassinet? Are we going to diaper our baby with cloth diapers or disposable diapers?

Usually we go with what makes the most sense, and what will fit in with our lifestyle. When I was pregnant with my son I did some research on the Cloth Vs. Disposable consider and came up with a pros and cons list that literally helped me out.

Baby Diapers

Let's start with the pros of disposable diapers!

Cloth Vs Disposable Diapers - Are Baby Cloth Diapers Worth It?

1. Easy to use

This is a huge plus if your a busy house and are all the time on the go. Disposable diapers can be used anywhere at anytime without having to worry about looking a washer to clean soiled cloth diapers!

2. You can throw them away

Once your puny one has done his or her company and needs to be changed, just take the dirty diaper off (after changing your baby of course) and throw it out. No smelly diaper to carry colse to with you!

3. Less Leaking...Less accidents

Disposable diapers are much more absorbent than cloth diapers. With that said more liquid is absorbed and your puny one is less likely to get a rash. Not to mention you wont have to change as many diapers.

4. Cost

If you plan on diapering your bundle of joy using only cloth diapers with no covers there literally isn't much of a divergence in cost. If you reconsider using a diaper aid or home laundering, it can be cheaper to use cloth diapers. However, diapering your baby without using diaper covers is risky due to potential leaking.

You must also reconsider there are diaper covers and various styles to think about with cloth. To get all the cute designs and top rated cloth diapers you may literally spend up to 50% more on cloth diapers.

As you can see there are a lot of pros to using disposable diapers, of procedure there are some cons, and here they are...

1. Bad for the environment

While disposable diapers are easy to use they also hurt the environment. Every year there are billions of disposable diapers thrown away which directly impacts our environment.

2. Potentially Harmful

There have been studies done on children who have used disposable diapers. Some of these studies have found that disposable diapers may cause male infertility and potential instances of asthma.

3. Functionality

Disposable diapers are just that, disposable. Once they are used you throw them out never to be used again. With cloth diapers you can use them for years to come. They can be used colse to the house as dust cloths or rags, burp cloths or even washcloths.

Let's talk about some cloth diapers pros shall we!

1. Environmentally Friendly

Cloth diapers are 100% reusable (as long as you take care of them and wash them well). With that being said you can sacrifice the whole of pollution going to our landfills by reusing your cloth diapers, and in return you will be helping to better our environment.

2. Less high-priced to maintain

It may cost more at first to get started with cloth diapers, however in the long run it is much cheaper to maintain. After the initial cost of getting the diapers, pins and the covers all you need to do is wash, dry, fold, use and repeat. Cloth diapers will last about a year with good care, so you will never have to worry about development a diaper run in the middle of the night like with disposable diapers.

3. Comfortable for you babies bottom

Unlike disposable diapers, cloth diapers are normally made of cotton, hemp, bamboo or microfiber. These materials are much more comfortable and are normally a bit more diplomatic on your puny ones bottom. Some children may be allergic to the dyes or chemicals in disposables so cloth may be the way to go.

4. Oh so cute diaper covers

There are so many different diaper covers out there these days it's hard to conclude on just one. Good news, you don't have to! With all the different brands and fellowships colse to you can select almost any different pattern, color, invent or fabric you can think of. This makes diapering your child more of a fun perceive rather than just something that needs to be done.

There are some cons to using cloth diapers, so let's take a look at what those are...

1. provide and demand

Whether we like it or not babies need to be changed a lot. With the use of cloth diapers comes a few more loads of laundry to do as well.

Remember that if you do not wash cloth diapers in a timely manner it may be tough to take off stains from soiled areas. This means that you will need to do laundry more often to ensure that you have diapers ready at all times.

2. Not as absorbent

Cloth diapers are not as absorbent as most disposable diapers. This normally isn't a big deal except at night and when on road trips. At night you will find your self getting up normally just to check your puny ones diaper and see if it's wet. You wouldn't want to have to change a soaked diaper, pj's and bedding would you? At this point you may opt to use cloth diapers while the day and disposables at night.

3. Less sanitary

If you're not consistently near a sterile pot of boiling water or a washer and dryer you may have a question retention things sanitary. You don't want to put that soiled diaper in your diaper bag with formula, extra clothes and Toys. Not handling cloth diapers properly, and development sure they are cleaned and stored correctly can cause contamination and make you and your house sick.

So there's the low down on using cloth diapers vs. Disposable diapers. I found all of this data to be very helpful and it literally did help me make up my mind on how to diaper my son. The most foremost thing to remember is that there is no right or wrong answer!

When it comes to choosing which way to diaper your baby, it's literally what works best for you and your family!

Cloth Vs Disposable Diapers - Are Baby Cloth Diapers Worth It?

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Don't Confuse Your Baby's Yeast Infections With Diaper Rash

Yeast infections that influence a baby's diaper area not the same thing as diaper rash. Unfortunately, many well meaning parents use quarterly diaper cream and baby powder on the yeast infection and this will do nothing to cure it.

A yeast infection is different from a diaper rash in that it appears as a flat, red rash with scalloped edges that have several tiny rashes nearby it. A yeast infection rash may enlarge along the pubic area and onto the lower part of the baby's abdomen.

Baby Diapers

The yeast infections that influence babies are called Candidas albicans, which is the most coarse cause of all types of yeast infections. A pediatrician can decree either a rash on the groin or a thrush in the mouth of babies is a yeast infection. To get a specific pathology the physician may survey the scrapings of a yeast infection under a microscope.

Don't Confuse Your Baby's Yeast Infections With Diaper Rash

Babies who are on antibiotics or who are being breastfed by mothers who are taking antibiotics are at higher risk for yeast infections. That's because antibiotics kill the good bacteria in the body that keep yeast in check. Without these bacteria around, yeast and grow more abundantly.

While applying diaper cream may bring your baby temporary relief from the itching and soreness it will not heal the infection. Without proper treatment, a yeast infection in the baby's diaper area will get progressively worse.

Anti-fungal medications are the only types of medicine that can get rid of yeast infections. Some pediatricians might write a prescribe for Nystatin while others may recommend and over the counter medicine like Lotrim Af to treat the diaper yeast infection.

Using antifungal cream, soaking the baby in warm water two times a day and frequent diaper changes will regularly clear up a yeast infection within a few days. While you are treating the yeast infection make sure that your baby's diapers are loose enough to let air in. When changing your child's diapers, make sure the skin on his buttocks and groin area is clean and dry.

Some holistic curative practitioners advocate the use of a diaper cream containing tea tree oil to help clear yeast infections in the diaper area. Others recommend using aloe or pressing damp chamomile teabags directly on the baby's rash. If the yeast persists for more than a week or if your baby has fever or chills you should consult with your pediatrician.

Yeast infections in baby's can occur despite our best efforts. However, frequent diaper changes can decrease the chances of an infection occurring. Children with yeast infections in the diaper area should not be excluded from daycare because these types of infections are not contagious.

If your baby recently had thrush (a yeast infection in the mouth), her or she may end up with a yeast infection in the diaper area, too. That's because yeast passes straight through your baby's digestive principles when he eats and winds up in his stool, which eventually lands in his diaper right next to his warm, damp skin. Yeast thrives in warm, damp environments.

Don't Confuse Your Baby's Yeast Infections With Diaper Rash

Blood, Bones & Butter

Monday, August 1, 2011

How To pick Disposable Diapers For Babies

Disposable baby diapers have a huge company potential in the United States. This is because most of the parents find baby diapers more convenient as compared to cloth diapers. Other than this, you are not required to wash a disposable diaper.

Disposable diapers were introduced in 1940s, but became beloved only gradually. This is because they were high-priced in the beginning and not many population could afford to buy them. In addition, early diapers came only in single size and did not fit most of the babies. Therefore, the leakage was more profuse in disposable diapers than cloth diapers. However, disposable diapers started appearing in multiple sizes and designs in 1950's, but they were more beloved with rich class. But, with the fall in the prices of disposable diapers in 70's, even middle-class population could afford to buy them. One of the prime reasons to opt for disposable diapers was, and still is - the convenience.

Baby Diapers

Soon, disposable diapers became Light-weighted. Also, they were being manufactured in varied sizes and designs. Along with it came diaper rash, which worsens with regular use of diapers. You can positively notice the diaper rash on your child's bottom. However, this rash starts appearing with blisters if the situation becomes worse for the child. Remember, diaper rash is a general thing, and occurs in roughly all the babies, who wear diapers at one point or the other. The child may manufacture diaper rash due to sensitivity to inescapable brands or bacterial infection. The baby is also likely to manufacture rash if the soiled diaper is not reMoved for a long.

How To pick Disposable Diapers For Babies

If you want to effectively treat the diaper rash, you must try to keep your baby dry by changing her diapers often. If you clean the area, let it fully dry before you put the diaper rash ointment. It is advisable to use warm, soapy water to clean your baby than using baby wipes. Extra care needs to be taken when you take your baby outside of the house. Remember to frequently check the diaper, and convert it if required. You must systematically dispose baby's diaper bag while going out. A diaper bag must be large enough to accommodate all indispensable items, such as diapers, wipes, clothes, ointment, soothers, blankets, recipe milk, bottles, talcum, water bottles, and medicines. However, you can select to have two different-sized diaper bags to suit dissimilar occasions.

In fact baby diapers and diaper bags make great gifts for varied occasions, including baby shower and birthday parties. Disposable diapers though don't make great gifts but are positively beneficial for parents. However, it makes sense to know the brand adored by an expectant mother. While gifting a baby diaper bag to an expectant mother, remember to check its size and whole of pockets. Most of the bags have plastic travel cases for wipes.

How To pick Disposable Diapers For Babies

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